Community Foods releases Net Zero Strategy

Our new Net Zero strategy, published in full here, details the science-based near and long-term targets that we are working towards as a company:

Our near-term targets (to be achieved in the next 5 –10 years) include:

  • 50% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by FY2030 from FY2022 base year
  • 30% reduction in non-FLAG Scope 3 GHG emissions by FY2030 from FY2022 base year
  • 30% reduction in FLAG Scope 3 GHG emissions by FY2030 from FY2022 base year
  • Commit to no deforestation across primary deforestation linked commodities by 2025

To help achieve these targets, Community Foods’ emissions have been split into four decarbonisation focus areas; product lifecycle, procurement, property and people. The following activities will be focused on in the near-term:

  • Supplier engagement
  • Energy saving and efficiency (i.e. temperature control, sub-metering)
  • Employee engagement
  • Review of travel booking system

Meanwhile long-term targets (to be achieved prior to 2050) include:

  • Net-zero (at least 90% reduction) Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by FY2035 from an FY2022 base year.
  • Net-zero (at least 90% reduction) Scope 3 non-FLAG GHG emissions by FY2040 from an FY2022 base year.
  • Net-zero (at least 72% reduction) Scope 3 FLAG GHG emissions by FY2040 from an FY2022 base year

Our Net Zero Strategy is part of Community Foods long term commitment to carrying out operations with minimum environmental effect, while continuing to deliver the high quality we pride ourselves on.